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The Org Scheduler

Organizes the tasks and times of each member of the organization

Carolina Esses avatar
Written by Carolina Esses
Updated over a week ago

The organization scheduler displays a timeline organized by each member and user of the organization, detailing assigned and planned elements, meaning those with a start and end date.

To access it, you can do so from the homepage or the launchpad.

About the Display

Upon entering, you will see on the left the list of members in your organization and, at the top, a horizontal timeline. These two criteria are key for planning, assigning, and organizing tasks. It is useful for understanding an individual's activities at a specific moment.

In the upper right corner, you can select the time precision displayed: 15 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month. By default, it will open in the month view, but you can change it as needed.

You will also find a "Today" button between two arrows. Clicking on it will automatically jump to the current moment. The left arrow is for backward, and the right one is for moving forward in time.

About Items

Items are presented in the scheduler based on their members and start and end dates. Hovering over them reveals more details. Clicking on them opens their full view.

Note that by moving the ends of your preview, you will automatically change the start and end dates. If you drag it to another user's line, you will reassign it.

The last line of the planner will show "Unassigned." Here, items with start and end dates but without any assigned responsible member are reflected. You can drag them to assign.

About Permissions

You can only see items for which you have permission in the system. For example, if you are a classified member of a group, you cannot see items not assigned to you in that group. If you are not a member of a closed group, you will not see items within it.

Remember that you can only assign an item to a user who is a member of the group to which the item belongs. If the item "Prepare emails for suppliers" is in the group "Administration Tasks," and Nick is not in that group, you cannot assign the task to Nick, but you can to any member of the "Administration Tasks" group.

About Filters

In the top bar, you can select some filters on the displayed items. The options are:

  • Filter by member: select one or more users to see what they are working on.

  • Filter by group: view items belonging to a specific group or all selected.

  • Filter by data type: show items of a particular data type or all selected.

  • Filter by status color: filter according to the color of item status, for example, those not in green (finished).

  • Filter by linked item: narrow down results according to items linked to one or more specific items.

About Unscheduled Items

By clicking on the calendar icon, a panel on the right will open with unscheduled items, those without a start and end date.

You can search by title and use the filters mentioned earlier to then drag them into the scheduler and estimate when they will be worked on.

These items may or may not be assigned to a user or responsible party. Don't worry, dragging them to Nick's row will automatically assign them to him.

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