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Group's Calendar View

The best way to work with group deadlines

Carolina Esses avatar
Written by Carolina Esses
Updated over a week ago

Every item with a due date or start and end date will be displayed in the group's calendar view. In this view, items can be seen monthly (by default), weekly, or daily

You can quickly navigate to the current moment by clicking the "Today" button, and you can navigate to the previous period by selecting the left date, and the next period by selecting the right date.

In weekly and daily views, you can distinguish the set working time by color. This is defined in the group settings - Learn more here.

About the items

Hovering over the item will display more information about it. Clicking on it will open its full view.

You can drag the ends of the item to quickly modify its start and end date.

You can also set a recurrence from the three-dot menu for items or tasks that repeat frequently. Learn more about this in this article.

About item creation

To create items or drafts (see more here), simply drag them to their start and end date.

By default, they will be created in the initial lane of your group. If you have a Gantt view, in the unassigned task group. It can also be modified from the full view, the table, the kanban, the Gantt, or the view of your choice.

There are also settings that can be made from the three-dot menu.

About filters

In the top bar, you can select various filters on the items displayed. The options are:

  • Filter by member: select one or more users to see what they are working on.

  • Filter by data type: display items of a particular data type or all selected ones.

  • Filter by status color: filter items according to the color of their state, for example, those not in green (completed).

  • Filter by status: show only items that belong to a state or those you select.

  • Filter by linked item: narrow down results according to items linked to one or more specific items.

  • Filter by group of tasks: This case is only relevant if you have the Gantt view enabled.

About unscheduled items

By clicking on the calendar icon, a panel will open on the right with unscheduled items, those without a start and end date.

You can search by title and use the filters mentioned earlier to then drag them to the calendar and estimate when you will work on them.

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