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Getting Started with Tuqqi
Getting Started with Tuqqi

Setting up your account and becoming familiar with Tuqqi

User GuideA short article with some steps for the novice user
Setting Up Your User ProfileHow to set up your profile
How to upload my profile photo?
LaunchpadFamiliarize yourself with the navigation interface and use it to add shortcuts that will make your daily work easier
Introduction to Notifications ManagementStay up to date with live notifications - Manage notifications you would like to receive
Desktop & Sound NotificationsStay updated on changes using a notification window that will show the latest updates in the system
Navigating the Tuqqi HomepageHow to navigate the homepage
Creating a PostHow to create your own post in the system
How can I comment on a post?Have something to say about a specific post? Would you like to comment on your colleague's post?
Actions of an ItemExpanding your understanding on how to use items
How can I tag (@) my colleague?Tag a colleague on a post/comment and make sure they stay up to date and get a notification
Using the Search BarHow to use the search bar
Task view in TuqqiWhat options does the system give me to view my tasks? How to adjust task statuses and colors in different columns in the groups?
The FeedThe purpose of the feed, explore the feed...
Introduction to My PageYour personal feed - review the items you shared and items you've been tagged on
Introduction to your Favorites PageBookmark specific items so you can quickly refer back to them later
The LibraryIn this article you can read about the library, and how you can create categories and articles for managing corporate knowledge on the spot
Introduction to the ChatAbout the Chat functionality inside the system
Start Date and End DateAdjusts start and end times of tasks
How to use labels in the systemThe labels in the system will help you organize your information according to your work groups.
The right way to ask question in the FeedHow does the system tag a question and how can it help me?
Calendar RemindersFollow the most important dates of your personal calendar
How to post a poll?Get your members' opinions on a particular topic. Social collaboration is a great way to engage employees
How to set a Due DateHow to set up a reminder for an information item in the system
The recommended screen resolution to work with TuqqiWhat is the screen resolution for a better view and work on the Tuqqi platform? What screen's resolution works well with Tuqqi?
Introduction to the Org ChartVisual diagram of your company that describes what employees do, whom they report to, and how decisions are made across the business
How can I delete an item I've shared?Follow those steps to delete your post
Types of ItemsDescription of the different items
Checklists and SubtasksThe system allows you to manage sub-tasks in the system. Task management will always be linked to a particular post.
Interacting with Other UsersHow to communicate with other users
Draft items
The Action CenterThe Action Center enables you to follow all your items in one place, manage your tasks, and create personalized custom reports