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Actions of an Item

Expanding your understanding on how to use items

Carolina Esses avatar
Written by Carolina Esses
Updated over a week ago

The system allows us as users to specify our work processes and organize the knowledge that is transmitted in an orderly manner. It is important to become familiar with the action menu on the details of the information in order to implement the organizational processes in the most effective way.

With the publication of each item in the system, action menus will be added that will allow us to focus the work process and perform unique and diverse actions: we can move items between groups, add users, add tags, set a deadline and more.

There are 2 main menus to perform these actions, a quick menu and an extended menu.

The quick menu will appear on the right side of each information published in the system, it can be opened by clicking on the 3 dots.

Three-dot menu in the post preview (preview):

Clicking on the menu will allow us to perform several actions. We will list them in descending order:

  • Save to favorites: add the item to our favorites list on the personal page. In this way, you can save the item for future use or read it later. Access to favorites is in the system menu in your feed.

  • Move: this button is used for a quick action to move an item of information to the next column within the group or to another workgroup. In this way, you can quickly change the status to the next step of your process. The transfer can only be performed on publications that you have opened or defined as co-editors.

  • Members :adding users for editing information and responsible for the execution. The addition can only be done on your articles. Use this option when you want to add another user as editor of a publication, or to have the publication displayed to users in your report. Clicking on this option will open another window, with all users in your organization and there you will choose an editor for the publication. Note that in a publication that is in a group, only users who are members of this group will be shown.

  • Chat: transition to the chat of this information item.

  • Delete: when deleting the item, you can only delete its posts.

Menu expanded to the view of an item:

  • Members: use this option when you want to add editors to the post. Clicking on this option will open a window with all your users in the organization and there you will choose who we want to share as the editor of the post.

  • Checklist: in each information item you can add several checklists that will help you organize the subtasks related to the information item. Clicking this option will open a window to define a title for the checklist; clicking Save or pressing Enter will add the checklist at the bottom of the data item. Click here to read more about it

  • Due date: you can set a reminder for each data item. Click here to read more about it.

  • Start and end date: define and plan when the task or item will be worked on.

  • Linked items: this is how you can connect information in the system. Clicking on this option will open a window where you can search for the information item and create a bidirectional connection between the information items. For example, to connect publications that refer to the same project or task, link a contact card and a company card. The system allows you to link information details (publications), for example: By clicking on this option, you copy the link to the publication, paste the link to the comment in the publication to which you want to link it, press Submit and the publications are linked.

  • Time tracker: by measuring the times in the system, you can start calculating how long it takes to finish the task defined in the information item. Click here for more information on this.

  • Duplicate - replication of an existing information item, an information item can be duplicated within the current workgroup or in another group.

  • Move - see previous paragraph 👆*Note that, in the 'Move' category, you can click to move the data item to the next column in the Kanban, if it exists.

  • Read and confirm: from here you can distribute the obligation to read and sign the item to another user in your organization. The publication will appear in a special window for you to read. After the user confirms that he/she has read it, he/she will receive a notification about it. Click here to see what it looks like.

  • Export to PDF: You can export the information item to a PDF file. Clicking this button will save the file to the download folder.

  • Share - clicking the button will allow you to copy the item's URL and paste it into whatever format you have / pass it to other users in the system without tagging them.

  • Delete - see previous paragraph

  • Activity Log - this option will display all actions performed on the information item. Use this option when you want to see when the item was edited, when it was viewed, etc.

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