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Creating an External Link in a group (Tuqqi Form)
Creating an External Link in a group (Tuqqi Form)

How to create an External Link to receive information from customers, suppliers and more

Federico Wiersba avatar
Written by Federico Wiersba
Updated over a week ago

An external link or as it is called "Tuqqi Form" is a tool that allows service requesters, potential customers, suppliers, or any type of organization partner, to create a direct contact in an easy and convenient way, by filling in the details defined in the system.

The form can be customized and is available for use by all users in the organization.

Examples of work processes that can be initiated using the external link are service requests or task completion, event or class registrations, leads management, or any type of contact.

The Tuqqi form is based on a data type created within the system, and only a user with administrator permission can change the data type.

An administrator user of the group can create a form for an external link and can determine which fields of the data type will appear in the external link. Those selected fields will be used by people outside the organization to complete the data, and after submitting the form, the data will be entered directly into the system.

Steps to create a new external form:

  • Click on the "Connectors" button in the group menu on the left.

  • Click on "Create new form".

  • Now start building it

    • Define and upload the photo that will appear at the top of the form.

    • Set the title and description of the form

    • Choose the data type of the item that will create the form. Consider that it must be enabled for the group.

    • Define the fields that will appear in the external form: choose the fields of the existing form that will appear in the external form

    • Submitted message: define the message that will appear to the end user, after the form has been submitted.

    • Label for form: you can classify any external form with a unique label, which will be added to the data element created in the system. This ability will allow you to sort the information according to the type of external form.

    • Once the form is created, click on "Create form" in the upper right part of the screen.

Editing the external link

If you want to change the wording of the text, change an image, improve the visibility of the form, or even change the data types and their fields, you can do it by clicking the "Connectors" button in the group menu on the left.

Active/inactive form

You can define whether the form is active or inactive, with a button in the list of your external forms.

Message for an inactive form: if the form is inactive, you can write a message to the end users about why the form is inactive, or redirect them to another link or form.

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