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Zapier Integration

Automate your work on Tuqqi with Zapier

Carolina Esses avatar
Written by Carolina Esses
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Tuqqi as Action

Create a Zap and add any tool as a trigger.

Add Tuqqi as an action.

  1. Set up

    1. Use the event "New item"

    2. Connect with your Tuqqi account

  2. Configure

    1. Fill the options as detailed in the table below

Unique ID

To use when you want items to be updated every time there is an integration task.

Please note that there is a unique ID for every item in order to make it easier to update it in Zapier. The manager chooses what the unique ID will be for the data type.


The item title


The description of the item - Can be any random value.


Leave it empty


Can be any random date


userpost - Use always this value

Data Type

datatypeId - Go to the form settings and copy the form Id

Group UID

Go to the group (connections tab) and copy the group UID

Use Current User as Author

If true, the user you logged in with Zapier will be the posting user, if you choose false, we will use the User Impersonalization feature.

Import As

The field to use when you use the user impersonalization (by default without user impersonalization use your login email)


If you want the item to be public or private. If it will be in a group, use public

Parameters JSON

Go to the form settings, scroll down until the JSON. Parse it. Add the values from the trigger action to fill the form.


When receiving an email, create an item in Tuqqi

Tuqqi as Trigger


- To be Tuqqi admin

- To be group admin

- To access a Zapier account


1. Go to and create a new integration. Copy the integration uid (Example: a9a683c0e77c48de8ced3bc9505a5e65)

2. Go to the group (kanban view) and create an automatic rule "send item to an integrated service". Select the title of the integration created on the previous step

3. Go to Zapier. Create a new Zap. The first step should be Tuqqi (the lastest version). The event "New Integration Event". Connect to your account. The Integration Unique Id is the uid created on the first step. Test it (create an item or move an item on the selected lane)

4. The second step should be the destination tool.

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